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Dec. 4 Future Scenario Workshop Materials

During a Dec. 4, 2023, Future Scenario Workshop, community members were invited to review and provide input on the potential sources for water in our valley that have been identified during the Moab and Spanish Valley Water Utility Resource Management Plan data collection process. The information and materials presented during the workshop are available here, and additional public comment is encouraged.

Thank you for participating in this project with the public water providers in Moab and Grand and San Juan counties. You input is valuable and appreciated.

About the workshop materials: 

All exhibits are for planning purposes only. All alignments and locations of infrastructure are shown schematically. Efforts have been made to place infrastructure at feasible locations, but the figures are not intended to show specific locations or final alignments.

Projects could be optimized to meet the overall needs of the Coalition members and each project may be used for one or more of the agencies. For example, it could be a better use of resources to locate more groundwater wells within the boundaries of one agency and use a different source project for the other agencies.

The cost summaries for the projects show annualized costs per acre-foot of volume. Costs per acre foot will change if the volume available for the source project changes.


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