Kane Creek Boulevard Complete Streets Project

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The City of Moab is redesigning Kane Creek Boulevard from Main Street to 500 West. Construction began in mid-February 2024 and is expected to last approximately 16 months.

Sign up for email updates by emailing KaneCreek@moabcity.org;

Call the Public Involvement Team at 435-862-9216 with any questions.

Project Update and Schedule

SCHEDULE: March 27 - April 28

Work on Kane Creek Boulevard in Moab has progressed rapidly the past month. Multiple crews are on site currently working on a variety of tasks including:
  • Installing landscaping rock, vegetation, and irrigation.
  • Pouring concrete for new curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and center islands within the roadway.
  • Utility crews installing street lights and upgrading electrical boxes.
  • Preparing the roadway for asphalt pavement which will be paved in late April

Work is currently being done at the intersection of Main Street and Kane Creek Boulevard. Motorists traveling on Kane Creek Boulevard and attempting to access Main Street will be detoured into the adjacent neighborhood until this work is completed. The contractors expect this work to last for approximately one week. Travelers should plan their routes accordingly.

New Landscaping on East Kane Creek Boulevard
New concrete islands within the roadway of Kane Creek Boulevard

Three ways to stay current on the project:

  • Visit this project page, engagemoab.com/KaneCreek, frequently to see updates, and post questions and comments;
  • Sign up for email updates by emailing KaneCreek@moabcity.org;
  • Call the Public Involvement Team at 435-862-9216.
    *Schedule is subject to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.


Questions? Email KaneCreek@moabcity.org.

Kane Creek Boulevard Complete Streets Improvements Project Area
(The city's Kane Creek Boulevard improvements will affect only the section of road from Main Street to 500 West)Kane Creek Boulevard is one of the most heavily used streets in Moab, with 5,000 cars per day traveling between Main Street and 500 West where these improvements are planned. The complete streets design will better ensure safe access for motor vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians who rely on Kane Creek Boulevard daily. The complete streets approach not only considers vehicle traffic but also pedestrian and bicycle traffic to help ensure safe, comfortable access for all users.

Project Notice

The City of Moab is redesigning Kane Creek Boulevard from Main Street to 500 West. Construction began in mid-February 2024 and is expected to last approximately 16 months.

Sign up for email updates by emailing KaneCreek@moabcity.org;

Call the Public Involvement Team at 435-862-9216 with any questions.

Project Update and Schedule

SCHEDULE: March 27 - April 28

Work on Kane Creek Boulevard in Moab has progressed rapidly the past month. Multiple crews are on site currently working on a variety of tasks including:
  • Installing landscaping rock, vegetation, and irrigation.
  • Pouring concrete for new curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and center islands within the roadway.
  • Utility crews installing street lights and upgrading electrical boxes.
  • Preparing the roadway for asphalt pavement which will be paved in late April

Work is currently being done at the intersection of Main Street and Kane Creek Boulevard. Motorists traveling on Kane Creek Boulevard and attempting to access Main Street will be detoured into the adjacent neighborhood until this work is completed. The contractors expect this work to last for approximately one week. Travelers should plan their routes accordingly.

New Landscaping on East Kane Creek Boulevard
New concrete islands within the roadway of Kane Creek Boulevard

Three ways to stay current on the project:

  • Visit this project page, engagemoab.com/KaneCreek, frequently to see updates, and post questions and comments;
  • Sign up for email updates by emailing KaneCreek@moabcity.org;
  • Call the Public Involvement Team at 435-862-9216.
    *Schedule is subject to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.


Questions? Email KaneCreek@moabcity.org.

Kane Creek Boulevard Complete Streets Improvements Project Area
(The city's Kane Creek Boulevard improvements will affect only the section of road from Main Street to 500 West)Kane Creek Boulevard is one of the most heavily used streets in Moab, with 5,000 cars per day traveling between Main Street and 500 West where these improvements are planned. The complete streets design will better ensure safe access for motor vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians who rely on Kane Creek Boulevard daily. The complete streets approach not only considers vehicle traffic but also pedestrian and bicycle traffic to help ensure safe, comfortable access for all users.

Project Notice

Comments & Questions

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  • Share Who is the contractor to rebuild Kane Creek? on Facebook Share Who is the contractor to rebuild Kane Creek? on Twitter Share Who is the contractor to rebuild Kane Creek? on Linkedin Email Who is the contractor to rebuild Kane Creek? link

    Who is the contractor to rebuild Kane Creek?

    Kevin asked about 1 year ago

    Thank you for your interest. The contractor for the project is Hank Williams Construction located in Norwood, CO. 

  • Share How can the general public see a breakdown of this project budget to see what parts are costing what percentages of the $8 million. I assumed most of the millions were for sewage for new low-income housing projects off the Kane Creek Apartments, with sewer lift station. But if some of this work will have to be torn up in the next 10 to 20 years to accomodate needed sewer lines, this is a waste of money. Also, if there are not utility stubs for known developements along this project...at least a break in the curb for access to the properties that have submitted plans...the lack of oversight and staying within budget...there is little accountability or logic. How can the general public respect the city needing millions of dollars for projects, when millions of dollars are wasted for aesthetics not needed by this population, while what is needed is basic improvement of infrastructure for utilities and development! on Facebook Share How can the general public see a breakdown of this project budget to see what parts are costing what percentages of the $8 million. I assumed most of the millions were for sewage for new low-income housing projects off the Kane Creek Apartments, with sewer lift station. But if some of this work will have to be torn up in the next 10 to 20 years to accomodate needed sewer lines, this is a waste of money. Also, if there are not utility stubs for known developements along this project...at least a break in the curb for access to the properties that have submitted plans...the lack of oversight and staying within budget...there is little accountability or logic. How can the general public respect the city needing millions of dollars for projects, when millions of dollars are wasted for aesthetics not needed by this population, while what is needed is basic improvement of infrastructure for utilities and development! on Twitter Share How can the general public see a breakdown of this project budget to see what parts are costing what percentages of the $8 million. I assumed most of the millions were for sewage for new low-income housing projects off the Kane Creek Apartments, with sewer lift station. But if some of this work will have to be torn up in the next 10 to 20 years to accomodate needed sewer lines, this is a waste of money. Also, if there are not utility stubs for known developements along this project...at least a break in the curb for access to the properties that have submitted plans...the lack of oversight and staying within budget...there is little accountability or logic. How can the general public respect the city needing millions of dollars for projects, when millions of dollars are wasted for aesthetics not needed by this population, while what is needed is basic improvement of infrastructure for utilities and development! on Linkedin Email How can the general public see a breakdown of this project budget to see what parts are costing what percentages of the $8 million. I assumed most of the millions were for sewage for new low-income housing projects off the Kane Creek Apartments, with sewer lift station. But if some of this work will have to be torn up in the next 10 to 20 years to accomodate needed sewer lines, this is a waste of money. Also, if there are not utility stubs for known developements along this project...at least a break in the curb for access to the properties that have submitted plans...the lack of oversight and staying within budget...there is little accountability or logic. How can the general public respect the city needing millions of dollars for projects, when millions of dollars are wasted for aesthetics not needed by this population, while what is needed is basic improvement of infrastructure for utilities and development! link

    How can the general public see a breakdown of this project budget to see what parts are costing what percentages of the $8 million. I assumed most of the millions were for sewage for new low-income housing projects off the Kane Creek Apartments, with sewer lift station. But if some of this work will have to be torn up in the next 10 to 20 years to accomodate needed sewer lines, this is a waste of money. Also, if there are not utility stubs for known developements along this project...at least a break in the curb for access to the properties that have submitted plans...the lack of oversight and staying within budget...there is little accountability or logic. How can the general public respect the city needing millions of dollars for projects, when millions of dollars are wasted for aesthetics not needed by this population, while what is needed is basic improvement of infrastructure for utilities and development!

    Molly Taylor asked about 1 year ago

    Thanks for your comment! We are working on gathering this information for you. 

Page last updated: 27 Mar 2025, 09:59 AM